It's like the mantra of the American people, diet, diet, diet!
Even my favorite writer Neil Gaiman has written how he is on a DIET! Damn, isn't being brillant and an amazingly gifted writer enough for the man? He has to look slim in his black jean?
What wrong with this country?
Okay, I know summer will be here soon and even I want to look good in my bikini and short shorts but it's not a major goal of mine!
I feel that so many people are spending far too much energy stressing over a number on the scale instead of focusing on more important issues. Like improving the person within.
We are more than our weight!
a diet on thoughts, is that what you recommend? it could do good to slim down that mind of ours, shed some excess baggage :)
It's right time to say. 'Let's forget all our worries. Let's go out and smell the flowers!' :)
Hmmm... the media needs a detox!
Absolutely! It's so true, the North American body image culture is like poison. It's one of the reasons I boycott magazines and mute commercials and read during TV. I'm so done with this crap. I focus on moderation for everything and let the rest go. Our spirits are what really count, we just need to keep our bodies healthy to provide the spirit with a temple to reside.
Sacred Suzie - you state it so much better then I do. Yes, dharmabum we need to shed that excess baggage of our inner thoughts such as "I need to lose weight, I need at less an extra 100 a week to make ends meet, I need to do this , should do that, ya da ya da ya da) and the beats goes on.
It is so amazing the amount of money being spent on weight loss progs too! I'm sure the amount could solve third world poverty. But, alas, it is not just America that is obsessed. It seems it is everywhere.
I have tried to concentrate more on general health and well being than weight loss. As a result I actually lost heaps and got fit at the same time. Go figure!
We are a throw away Society ... having lost much of which is real, we have lost our balance of importance. We can choose though.. to be aware, to be more in a good way.. and by looking outwardly , and working inwardly ... become the change.
I love the beauty of flowers. Thank you!
I always thought DIET was a dialectal speech, meaning IT ;-))
I think the focus creates angst in a whole nation, and it comes overhere.
Maybe if magazines would stop printing weight-loss ads next to the Sonic Mega Meal ads....
I love food too much to diet... seriously.. could never do it. :)
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