Came home and found out that some kid in South Pasadena got the City Council to sign an ordinance to stop the use swear words for a month. "No; shit!" I guess no one on the City Council has read the Bill of Rights. "Freedom of speech? What's that?"
Made me want to stop by City Hall and swear up a storm! Okay, we shouldn't sound like we're reading aloud the screen play from "Pulp Fiction" but aren't we're getting just a little too P.C. in this country?
Hello, we do have "Freedom of speech" in this country , or at least that's how I understand the Constitution!
I'd feel the same and our little country is getting silly-over-the-top PC as well.
I think it's a shitty idea to take away freedom of speech!
Aggie, you're so correct and of places it's in small town, very white bread South Pasadena! It's not a gang banger area so you really don't here many four letter words there. Don't know what crowd that brat hung with.
Most of the constitution has been legislated away and the judiciary has backed them up time and time again. It's a sad state of affairs.
Hi, YG, hope you're feeling better. I left you a message via your g-mail account re your question as to the location of the painting that you saw on my blog. But not everybody checks their g-mail, I know I don't....
Anyway, the paining is off Melrose, on a side street one or two blocks east of La Brea on the north side. Its in a doorway. I don't know who the artist is but I certainly like the painting.
K- I check my e-mail and got your message, thanks, just my head cld is driving me wild! Just a head cold nothing serious. Did you go up to Montery?
You're correct Hammer, in the name of Home Land Security are freedoms are being taken away.
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