Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let the sun shine....

Today I was able to actually venture out and take a visit to my doctor! My fever broke and most of my measel bumps are gone, still have a few on my face and tummy and far too weak to go back work and still most wear dark glasses while outdoors or while watching TV but I'm on the mend! Goodie! I took this photo in the parking lot of my doctor's office. If you look carefully, you can see the Hollywood sign on the hill top! It was a very cold but clear and lovely day in Los Angeles. It's going to rain again tonight which I rather enjoy. Being home, watching old movies on Turner Classic Movies and sipping hot coco is all the excitement this body can take right now! When I got home I baked a fresh lemon cake (use the lemons from my backyard tree) to warm up the house. It's cold but baking does warm up the house and makes the house smell yummy! Right, think I need a nap before dinner.
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Bhavana said...

i'm glad your starting to feel better, slowly but surely as they say. i'm so jealous! lemons from the backyard? ooo. it's -20 here so that about -4 in fahrenheit. brrr.

Anonymous said...

Lemoncake? Yum. I come to your blog to hear all about the delicious food you keep preparing! My diet would be totally out the window if I was there.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Lemoncake!! You're my hero. I don't even cook like that when I'm well.

(Glad to hear you're on the mend, finally, in any case!) Happy cozy-ing up with cake and hot chocolate in front of a good old movie. :-)

Bridget Jones said...

baking even tho you're sick? Wow you have energy to spare. Glad you're recovering!