So I'm home bound all week.
A friend who works at Paramount studios phone me and told me that due to the Writer's Strike they are laying off people. She is a makeup artists and hasn't been given that pink slip yet but she told me she's knows her number will soon be up. She siad that now when she walks around the studio lot it's like a ghost town.
Come on guys, get ye back to work and work out this internet stuff with your lawyers! But damn, you are hurting too many people! Not only at the studio lots but the businesses around the lots such as the carters and resturants. However, finding a table at Starbucks is a piece of cake these days.
Well back to bed for me! Does any one know what I can put on my skin. These bumps are dying and I'm going crazy with this crazy itch!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you got the measels! Yech! Have you tried an oatmeal bath? That should be soothing.
Hope you feel better soon!
oh dear! that sounds terribly un-fun. Try Calamine lotion .. it works wonders for chicken pox and poison ivy. feel better!
Oatmeal bath? How does that work? Do I put oatmeal in my bath tub? I'll have a friend get me the Calamine lotion . Thanks for the advice and good wishes. I'll try the oatmeal bath.
Do watch out: it is a simple enough illness on a kid but on an adult it can get complicated.
Anything that would soothe chicken pox would be fine for your sores.
Lavender and tea tree oils will both disinfect the skin and nourish it (I use lavender essential oil neat on burns).
Whatever you do: DON'T SCRATCH!
I think that for an oatmeal bath you put a handful of oatmeal in a cloth bag and drop it in the water - otherwise you'd be bathing in porridge.
I was going to say Calomine lotion, too. Hope you're better soon.
Sometimes Calamine lotion is not good enough. It helped my youngest daughter but my eldest needed a different salve. Go to the chemist and talk to him. Get well soon. Poor you!
Wow! measles! Hope you get over them quickly!
omg... get well soon! i have no idea what advice to offer other than get to a phamacist or doctor you trust quick.
Thank you sdo much for all your kind words and advice! I used an oatmeal & honey mask for my face and use the Calamine for the other spots. It helps alot. My fever is going down but still feel as if I've been hit by a bus!
Have (try) a lovely weekend and rest as much as you can.
The measles! How hideous!
I am so sorry, but laughing at your words of "living like a vampire". You crack me up.
I find it fascinating that you're right there in the midst of the writer's strike. How awesome to live where you do.
I agree, these people need to get it together and get back to work. Too many people are being affected.
Take good care, and stay in your coffin during daylight hours!
Oh NO! Now i know what has happened! Take care dear!
Didnt calamine soothe you? Use ice talc...
Poor you!! The measles! I am told that I had them when I was three despite being vaccinated against them. Keep those sun glasses on and taking painkillers! Get better soon sweetness.
I don't know why the writers strike is taking so long!! I hear it's beneficial for knocking out competition - the larger companies aren't suffering as much and can afford to hold up long enough to buy up other companies - not that I am cynical or know the first thing about the film world.
Oh poor you with measles ... do you think you came in contact through your classes?
I hope all the soothing balms help. It must be the pits, but best you fully recover and not endanger your eyesight, etc.
That writers strike is really getting to the silly stage ... it will take them sooooo long to recover from it. AND there is a downward slide in the US financial markets too. I hope they get back to work soon.
Take care.
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