Read recently that the P.C. police want to stop public schools from teaching and celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday for it might offend the Native Americans. Oh please! If anything the story shows the virtues and kindness of Native Americans to these strange white people dressed in black and brwon who came over to their homeland, uninvited! And the story of Thanksgiving shows how two groups of people from different worlds came together in good fellowship. Now, what harm can there be in such a tale?
I'm just getting over the exhaustion from my Thanksgiving feast with my friends. Before we all ate I asked each person to share with the group what they have to be grateful for. I heard once that being grateful shows the world that you are open as well as venerable to others and their kindness. I welled up in tears when all my guest gave me a special toast for gratitude to me for the feast. It was a wonderful feast and we all ate well and had a great time playing games afterwards. Still, exhausting, even though I got loads of help with the clean up from my friends. Some even brought extra desserts, which they didn't need to do, for I baked and cooked for an army! There were plenty of Spirits as well.
Strange thing about that, the day before the event I got a case of wine from one of my wine clubs. Couldn't come at a better time. "Wine" say Ben Franklin "is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Some of my friends also brought extra bottles of spirits as well, so we were a happy group.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season.