Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's always something....


The rains have come to Southern California and due to the lost of vegetation from the brush fires in the foothills now there are mud slides. Some people couldn't reach their homes last night due to the mud filling up on the roads. And now some people have mud damage in their homes. It's just one thing after another.

Today it took me two hours to get home ( a drive that usually takes thirty minutes) due to bummer bummer traffic on the freeways. It's seem like a lot of people were trying to get out of town for the long Thanksgiving weekend. A lot of people in town love to head for Vegas for the long weekend.

Somehow I feel Thanksgiving should be spend with family, friends and home cooking and not at a slot machine.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
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Anonymous said...

Oh how frustrating for you all. However, I do hope it is all settled down now and you and yours can enjoy a lovely long Thanksgiving weekend. You are right - definitely a time for fam and friends. Enjoy.

Suzie Ridler said...

That is so frustrating! I'm glad you're finally home.

I realized that sometimes people go to Vegas because they have no loved ones and holidays hurt. That helped me make sense of that phenomenon. I knew a widow who went there every Christmas and it was an escape from painful memories, poor guy.

We are lucky to have family to share the holidays with! Enjoy your baked goods and I'm so glad you did your cleansing already!

Z said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all, including those without family, friends or home cooking.

Anonymous said...

Wow, up here in Canada, we only think of the great things about living in California. It's like a dream.
Reality is everywhere though, eh?
Glad you finally made it home, but what a drag that must have been!

Bridget Jones said...

Happy Thanksgiving, and sorry about the frustration you must be feeling. Thank heavens you got home, and all is well.