Saturday, August 4, 2007

I got those gee I wish you loved me oh do well see you later blues

One reason I love a small sports bar is that it gives me great insight into the male brain. Today while sipping my sweet martini the guys next to me got a huge plates of greasy fast food. Fries, onion rings, pizza : "Hey; it's the weekend you don't diet on a weekend." said one guy as he ordered another beer." You don't need to diet at all once you understand that you are in control of your hunger." I stated. "I mean if you someone tells you not to think of pink elephants guess what's going to pop up in your mind?" They laughed then I said:"It's like everything else, we always want more what we can't have." Then since I was talking to guys I stated "Confess it; you always want that chick that is hard to get but the minute she says she's into you, you want to run! What's up with that!" Well, it you know , we like the chase. It's all about the hunt!" So what does that make us, great game, you hunt us, shot us, stuff us and mount us as a trophy then forget us? After my enagemnet was broken my friends told me to check out on-line dating so I checked out the sites, all these guys stated "Not into games." Oh, really? Then why are you on an internet web page, this is the biggest game there is ! I didn't sign up, I get guys hitting on me at Starsbucks with their smooth words and lies; I don't need to go one line for a guy to lie to me on-line! But what is it with you guys that seem to want that bitch? That woman that makes you jump through hoops? Let me know!
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Greggo said...

i've always been attracted to women who act arrogant or aloof. i think it's the 'people-pleaser' in me, where i figure if i can make someone like that happy, then i've done my job. it doesn't always occur to me that some people CAN'T be pleased, no matter what you do. in that regard, i really think my attraction to women like that is a defect in my brain. lol.

Yoga Gal said...

I believe it's a defect many men have!

Serendipity said...

My philosophy is - men, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

Sherri B. said...

Your blog is great and I enjoy your musings...thanks for visiting my blog -- my daughter will be thrilled that she was complimented by an ABT member!

claytonia vices said...

That's so true!

There is a corresponding flaw in SOME women, they just loooove bad boys, the arrogant and spoilt brats... I wonder what would happen if such a woman met the kind of guys you are talking about!! Lol!!